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Another successful law enforcement campaign has come to an end in Rockport.

Police cracked down on dangerous and impaired drivers during a statewide enforcement campaign last month.

During this time, officers issued 116 tickets and made 6 arrests in the City of Rockport and the surrounding areas.

Three arrests were for drug possession, two were made for reckless driving offenses, and one arrest was made for resisting law enforcement.

Even though fewer drivers hit the road in Indiana during 2020, it was still one of the highest years for traffic fatalities in the past decade.

In Indiana, it is illegal to drive with a blood-alcohol concentration of .08 or higher. Drivers under the age of 21 with a BAC of .02 or higher are subject to fines and having their license suspended for up to one year.

With warmer weather here, drivers are encouraged to share the road safely by slowing down, avoiding distractions, buckling up, and either driving sober or designating a sober driver.

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