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The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration Thursday received approval from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to continue its practice of extending postpartum coverage for Hoosiers receiving Medicaid during pregnancy from 60 days to one year. Indiana has been providing this extended coverage since April; Thursday’s federal announcement will allow it to continue.

Previously, postpartum Medicaid coverage ended after 60 days. In May, Indiana’s Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning asked CMS for approval to extend the postpartum coverage period for traditional Medicaid, Healthy Indiana Plan Maternity, and Hoosier Healthwise members. This will apply to all who received maternity care from Medicaid since April 1.

The postpartum coverage period is available to any individual who meets one of the following criteria:

  • Becomes pregnant while already enrolled in traditional Medicaid, HIP, or Hoosier Healthwise
  • Applies and is eligible for Medicaid while pregnant
  • Applies for Medicaid after the child is born and was both pregnant and eligible in the month of application or one of the three months prior to the application month.

Today’s CMS approval authorizes the extended coverage for Medicaid-eligible individuals for a five-year period, through March 31, 2027.

This policy was included in HEA 1140-2022, the bill passed by the Indiana General Assembly and signed into law by Governor Eric J. Holcomb on March 14, 2022.

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