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Update: Authorities in both Ohio County and Daviess County have confirmed in a press conference around 9 AM Central Standard Time that they HAVE recovered pieces of the missing plane and our now searching in the attempts to find survivors of this crash. According to law enforcement, the missing pieces they have located include a plane wing and some mechanical parts.

While a few pieces have been recovered, the main body section of the plane is still missing at this time.

We will continue to update you with this story as it’s made available to us.

Our original post is located just below:

According to the Ohio County, Kentucky Sherrif’s Office at 10:55 PM CST on Wednesday evening, Owensboro Daviess Central Dispatch was sent word from Evansville Regional Airport Control Tower of a possible plane crash as the Tower lost contact shortly before that time.

Authorities say two people were on board the plane at the time, a student pilot and his instructor. At this time the names are not being released to the media.

According to the Ohio County Sheriff’s Department Facebook page, the plane took off from Bowling Green and was headed to Owensboro Regional Airport when it went missing. The search is being centered around New Panther Creek Church inside the Ohio County area along Ky Highway 764. It was later revealed to the media that paperwork associated with an aircraft had been located in an extremely dense wooded area behind the church.

Ground searches, thermal imaging, and drones are being used in this investigation. It should be noted that at the time of the possible crash, a thunderstorm had developed in the area.

We will update you with more on this story as it is made available to us.

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