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Written by: Ty Hunter

A video uploaded to TikTok by Cassie Woodard of Holland has gone viral on the social media platform with 4.5 million views and counting.

The TikTok which shows her already locally famous grandfather, Leo Eckele, tending to his cockscomb flowers with the description “My 94 year old grandpa grew and saved all the flowers for my wedding. They were perfect.” The video uploaded to TikTok on October 5th is set to the song “I Remember Everything” by John Prine.

Leo Eckerle of Jasper and his late wife Lora Lou had grown cockscombs at their home on the corner of 36th and St Charles Street for decades, a tradition he continued as a tribute to Lora Lou after she passed in November of 2013.

Cassie Woodard (formerly Lenahan) married Tyler Woodard on September 30th at the Spencer County Pavilion in Chrisney.

Watch the original video here.

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