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The Dubois County Housing Study, funded by Grow Dubois County and executed by RDG Planning & Design, is built on a variety of data to form a picture of the Dubois County housing market today. The study lays out recommendations the county, cities, and community partners can take to begin building an affordable, safe, and sustainable housing market for all.

Dubois Strong met with Amy Haase of RDG Planning & Design – a national consulting firm – as well as local community leaders for four housing study listening sessions in May 2023. Builders and developers, real estate agents, members of the local lender community, major employers, and social service agencies convened at the Vincennes University Jasper campus to discuss the trends, challenges and needs they have seen in the county housing sector.

This study follows the 2015 Dubois County Housing Strategy and the 2019 Indiana Uplands Regional Housing Study. The 2023 study determined that there is a gap in what type, how much, and where housing does or does not get built. Strategies put forth in the study explore how the local governments, organizations, builders, and other influential partners can work together to meet the housing needs in Dubois County.

The full study can be found by visiting

For more information on Dubois Strong and its current economic development efforts, email or call its offices at 812.482.9650.

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