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The committee charged with making recommendations for updating the City of Jasper’s zoning and subdivision control ordinances met Friday morning to review updated drafts of the proposed ordinance’s chapters.

Committee members suggested tweaks to drafts created by Indianapolis consultant Ratio Architects and set another meeting in two weeks to continue their review.

Now the committee is working to unify the 20-year-old zoning and subdivision control ordinances into one ordinance, which includes updating the city’s zoning map. The work started in early 2014 and has included public meetings, research and several committee meetings.

The committee will meet again at 8 am Friday, January 29th in the Pfaffenweiler Room of City Hall.

Once completed, the proposed solidified ordinance will be presented as a recommendation to the Jasper Plan Commission. The commission will hold a public hearing before it decides whether to recommend the proposal to the Jasper Common Council.

The drafts of the proposed ordinance and zoning map can be found online at the under the community development and planning department section on city’s website, The drafts are also available for viewing at the community development and planning office at City Hall.

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