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Quick action by employees of Masterbrand cabinets in Ferdinand averted what could have been a potentially dangerous situation as  fire broke this morning at the company’s plant # 4 in Ferdinand.   

Ferdinand Fire Chief Dan Lindauer told 18-WJTS news this morning his department shortly after 9 this morning received word of the alarm at plant 4 of the Masterbrand cabinet company on third street.

Lindauer says a fire had broken out in the vent of an ultra-violent oven of the north finishing room.  He said when fire fighters arrived, flames were seen coming from the vent on the roof above the oven.

Employees at Masterbrand were evacuated.  He says quick thinking employees used an extinguisher to smother the fire in the vent before firefighters arrived on the scene.  Fire fighters remained at the plant for about 15 to 20 minutes and Masterbrand employees returned to work shortly after the blaze was extinguished.

No injuries were reported.

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