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The Dubois County Council held a special meeting yesterday in regards to county budgets, where the floor was open to county department heads in order to present their budget updates.

Departments on hand ranged from the county emergency management agency to the county corrections office among others.

Some department leaders spoke about their budgets having a lack of room to make budgetary cuts as some have already reduced cuts to certain line items.

County Community Corrections Director William Wells shared that he hasn’t been able to provide raises to his employees.

Others spoke of the success their department has experienced in the past would return any money back to the county that was not utilized.

Tammy Humbert of the Emergency Management Agency and Janice Love, county communications director, spoke on the initiatives they have accomplished for their repective departments by applying for grants and producing monetary value in the form of those grants in order to seek more funding from the county.

The County Council acknowledged the efforts of each department as they showed responsible use of funding provided by the council.

After each department leader spoke the council opened up the floor to the public for input on budget topics.

Humbert stated that she appreciated the council for their efforts to search for ways county departments can work together with the council to identify where budget cuts can be considered.

Humbert added that as leaders of the community “they should make sure to remember they are serving community members with their valued services .

County Council President Greg Kendall, provided his input by saying that eventually they should freeze or put a hold on hiring new personnel. Nothing was decided on Wednesday as the council is looking to hold a discussion on the matter before making any decisions on a hiring freeze.

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