The Indiana State Police, the Governor’s Council on Impaired & Dangerous Driving and the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute are participating in the national and statewide 2016 Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement mobilization now through Labor Day. Officers are among more than 250 state and local law enforcement agencies, and thousands more across the country, conducting high-visibility patrols and encouraging drivers against drinking and driving.
Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over is an annual enforcement effort supported by federal funding allocated to the Indiana State Police from the Traffic Safety division of the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute.
Officers will conduct sobriety patrols and checkpoints around the clock. Last year there were over 48-hundred alcohol-impaired collisions in Indiana, resulting in 92 fatalities. This is a 26 and a half percent decrease in the number of alcohol-impaired collisions, and a 9 percent decrease in resulting fatalities, from the year before.
Indiana law enforcement agencies have been actively involved in the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign for over 20 years.
For more information regarding the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement mobilization campaign, please visit