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A Holland couple had to be treated at a local hospital after they were attacked while trying to break up a dog fight Wednesday morning in Holland. At around 10 am deputies with the Dubois County Sheriff’s Department were called to a residence along the 10-thousand block of State Road 161 in Holland where authorities were told via a 911 call of a dog bite. The initial dispatch advised that there had been amputated fingers, however when First Responders arrived they found two injured persons, neither with any amputation.

Information provided to deputies indicated two dogs began fighting at the residence. A 36-year-old woman attempted to break up the dog fight and was bitten on the forearm. Her 38-year-old husband also attempted to break up the dogs and was bitten on a finger. The sheriff’s department reported the man was forced to shoot the aggressive dog to prevent further injuries to people and animals. The dog died at the scene. The aggressive dog was a Pit Bull.

Deputies say the status of vaccinations on the dog is unknown at this time and the deceased dog will be examined to rule out the possibility of rabies. Deputies say their investigation is ongoing. Both were transported by ambulance to Memorial Hospital for treatment of injuries.


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