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Do you know what your state and local ordinances are concerning fireworks? The Huntingburg Common Council recently asked this question of their own knowledge and were educated during the meeting as they heard from city officials on up to date information.

Concerns expressed to councilmen were addressed at last nights Huntingburg common council meeting, about the use of fireworks.  Councilman Tim Wehr brought the concerns forward, acknowledging after speaking with local officials that while the city does not have ordinances on the issue there is state law regulating the use.

The council used this opportunity to invite Huntingburg Police Officer, Lt. Tim Mullen to go over the state codes pertaining to the use of fireworks.


  1. Fireworks can only be used from 9am to 11pm, except on Holidays when that time is extended to midnight or December 31st when fireworks can fired until 1am on January 1st.


  1. Fireworks can only be ignited at a special discharge location, or on private property where permission has been given.


  1. A person must be 18 years or older, unless supervised by an adult, to use fireworks.


To violate these state codes is a Class C Infraction, and if there is another violation within 5 years of citation then it becomes a Class C Misdemeanor.

If fireworks are used in anyway; recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally, causing damage to property it then it becomes a Class A Misdemeanor.

If the fireworks are used in anyway; recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally, causing harm to a person then it becomes a Level 6 Felony, if that use results in a death then it is elevated to a Level 5 Felony.

Huntingburg’s fireworks at league stadium will be on July 3rd this year.

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