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Trustees for the Dubois REC Operation Round Up fund met last month to award grants to three local organizations. This brings the total amount of grants awarded in the community to nearly $308,000 since 2011.

Operation Round Up is just what the name implies. Dubois REC simply “rounds up” the electric bill of participating members to the next highest dollar. That spare change is overseen by a board of trustees, who are also Dubois REC members. Local groups and organizations can then apply for grants from this fund.

Those eligible to apply for the funds include groups or organizations located within the Dubois REC service territory, which covers the counties of Dubois, Crawford, Perry, Pike, Orange and Martin.

Grants are available for local volunteer fire departments, youth programs, 4-H, senior citizen programs and other community service projects.
The fund will NOT be used to pay any electric or utility bills or be used in any way to support or oppose any political candidate or campaign.

Recipients of grants awarded in the most recent grant cycle include:

Mentors for Youth who received a $1,900 Operation Round Up grant for a new laptop and tracking software program.

Girl Scout Troop 198 received a $400 Operation Round Up grant to purchase materials to construct the base and framework of a recycled greenhouse made of 2 liter bottles for the HOPE Garden.

And the Dubois Branch Library received an Operation Round Up grant in the amount of $1409.78 for a Young Adulting 101 course.

Dubois REC will accept applications for the next grant cycle of Operation Round Up grants November 1st through the 22nd. Grants must be submitted before 4 p.m. on November 22nd.

Representatives from local civic groups, non-profits or community organizations who would like to apply for an Operation Round Up grant can download the application forms from

Applications are also available at the Dubois REC office, by calling 812.482.5454 or sending an email to Kyla Jones at

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