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The  Dubois County Substance Abuse Council is now accepting nominations for Officers and Representatives for 2018.

Persons  interested  in  running  for  a  position  with  the Dubois County Substance  Abuse  Council,  need  to send  letter of interest, or letter of nomination by December 22, 2017, 12 p.m. (ET) to Jim McFaul, Chair,

Once  nominations are received, absentee voting begins January 2, 2018 at 8 a.m.  and  ends  January  9,  2018  at  1  p.m.  Officer and representative positions begin term on January 31, 2018.

To be eligible for an elected office or representative position candidates must of have attended 50% of all Substance Abuse Council meetings over the past 12 months. Executive Committee Members should have experience and/or expertise in at least one of the following areas: family relations, religion, education, civic/private affairs, business, media, medical, local government, judiciary, law enforcement, self-help, youth, or labor forces. Members are required to attend fifty (50) percent of meetings in order to maintain their elected position. Due to potential conflict of interest concerns, no elected or appointed public official is eligible to serve as Chair or Co-Chair.

For officer  and representatives job descriptions, or further details, send an email to

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