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Last night, the Jasper Public Library Board held their contractual and regular board meeting at the Dubois Branch Library Community Room.

The Contractual Library Board discussed end of the year topics, such as 2018 Salary and Stipend Resolution, as well as encumbrances.

Along with the Contractual Library Board Meeting, updates were given about the building project for the new Jasper Cultural Center during the regular board meeting.

A presentation was given by Ashlyn Ackerman about the plans of the Cultural Center.
Christine Golden, director of the Dubois County Public Libraries says they are around 2/3rd of the way complete with the design development phase and says they are one month ahead of schedule.

The board talked about the more of the library side of the cultural center than the arts side, which will be further discussed by the art board on January 2nd of the new year so that if the public has any concerns, they can be expressed. Golden says on January 11th, the two boards will meet in a joint session to discuss the event center further.

Another update that was given was that of the demolition process of the current facility, which Golden says right now is in the bidding process.

The Jasper Public Library Board will meet again on Thursday January 11th at 4 PM at the Jasper Library Annex for the Joint meeting with the arts department.

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