Tuesday night in Daviess County Kentucky US 231 saw an overturned truck hauling molten metal spill across the roadway at the 12 mile marker closing the road for over 5 hours.
Tuesday evening just after 6 p.m. EST a report of an overturned semi crash that saw a crucible of molten aluminium spill had closed a portion of US 231 in Daviess County Kentucky. The William Natcher Bridge was shut down as well as all four lanes of US Highway 231 North.
Just before 8 p.m. EST crews were able to open one northbound lane from Kentucky into Indiana however the southbound lane remained blocked causing traffic to be detoured to the Blue Bridge at Owensboro or to the Bob Cummings/Lincoln Trail Bridge at Hawesville.
The southbound lane remained closed due to clean up efforts after crews were attempting to remove the aluminium from the roadway when a section of the pavement lifted. Highway personnel reported that the temperature of the aluminum was between 300-500 degrees.
Just before midnight both northbound lanes of US 231 from Kentucky into Indiana across the William Natcher Bridge were open however only one southbound lane was able be opened to traffic.
About an 8 ft. by 8 ft. section of pavement in the southbound passing lane was damaged by the molten metal that was spilled in the truck crash at the site. Kentucky highway officials say all southbound traffic on US 231 will move to the right-hand or driving lane at the site until a repair plan for the pavement can be put together.
The traffic pattern may be in place for an extended period while repair plans are worked out.
Approximately 6,000 vehicles travel this section of US 231 between the US 60 intersection and the William Natcher Ohio River Bridge.