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A FREE Septic System Workshop will be offered this Friday, August 3. The educational event will offer a chance for the public to stop, watch and visit while a sand lined septic system is installed at a home construction site.

The event is aimed at providing information to anyone currently using a septic system or who is thinking about building a home that will use a septic system along with educating those who may be using city sewers and would just like to see how the system operates.

Installation and septic system maintenance will be discussed and experts will be on hand to answer questions.

The workshop site is located just off Portersville Road North of the Jasper Middle School at 3051 W. 500 North in Jasper.

Public viewing will be offered between 10am and noon on Friday.

For more information please contact Shawn Werner at the Dubois county health Department at 812 – 481 – 7055.

The educational event is being offered by the Middle Patoka Watershed 319 Grant sponsored by the Pike and Dubois County Soil and Water Conservation Districts and Dubois County Health Department.

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