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Once Save-A-Lot, then Cash Saver Market. Now Filing for Bankruptcy Protection. Rumors have rung true that Jasper based Buehler Inc. has filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection.

This will cause the Cash-Saver Market located in the Germantown Shopping Center to shut it doors.

Published reports and sources tell us that the store will close in the middle of this quarter, sometime in November.

Many remember in 2005 when Buehler Foods Inc. filed for bankruptcy. Buehler Inc., which emerged from the organization, operated Save-A-Lot stores. In 2017, Buehler Inc. converted Save-A-Lot in Germantown Shopping Center to the Cash Saver Market.

Buehler Inc. has stores in Indiana, Kentucky, and as well as Illinois.

We will have more on this story when details are offically released.

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