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The Dubois County Shriners, a unit of the Hadi Shriners of Evansville, announced that all students in grades two through four in the Dubois County school systems will be given free tickets to the 85th annual Hadi Shrine Circus at the Ford Center in Evansville. The circus dates are this Thursday November 22 through Sunday the 25th.

The tickets —­ made possible by people and business that purchased Mom and Pop tickets and donated them back to the program —may be used at any of the eight shows.

Anyone needing additional tickets may purchase advance general admission tickets for $18 at any of the German American banking locations in Dubois County until the close of business tomorrow (Wednesday, Nov. 21), or from any Shriner before Thanksgiving. All seats are reserved.

Proceeds are for the benefit of Hadi Shriners and are not tax deductible as charitable contributions.

Anyone with questions may contact any Shriner including Stan Jochum at 812-482-2697 or Michael Cravener at 812-631-1197.

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