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Tuesday night the Huntingburg City Council was provided an update on the ongoing study being conducted in regards to the city’s storm water system.

Eric Parsley of Commonwealth Engineers told the council that 70 people attended a public meeting in September and left 43 comments about problem areas in the city.

Parsely says many of the issues were either on the north or the south side of the city though he says some were identified in the center of the community.

He says Commonwealth received about 10 emails from people after the meeting, citing problem spots. All of those are being compiled and put on a map to show the city’s problem areas.

Commonwealth has also calculated the average amount of areas of a residential property that are covered by materials such as concrete, brick and stone to be 3,100 square feet.

That calculation will be used in the future to calculate the proposed amount of contribution residential and non-residential properties should contribute to a storm water utility, if the city decides to create such a utility.

Parsley says the study on the problem areas and recommendations for addressing them will be conducted by the end of January.

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