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A fire at a residence in Dubois caused a family to evacuate their home with their home appliances being severely burned.

At 8:10 PM last night, Dubois Volunteer Firefighters were called to the report of a structure fire at the Dennis Sendelweck residence at 4734 E State Road 56 near the Dubois Crossroads.  Upon arrival of the first firefighter, there was heavy smoke coming from the residence.  The first firefighter found that there was a fire in the area of the stove in the kitchen area which he quickly extinguished using a fire extinguisher.

Mr. Sendelweck and his wife, Connie, were at home at the time and had an air fryer sitting on the stove.  The couple smelled smoke and working detectors alarmed them to find the fire then exited the home immediately.  No water was needed to extinguish the fire as the extinguisher took care of the flames.

Firefighters stayed on scene to ventilate the home and removed the stove from the kitchen.  The cause of the fire could not be fully determined as the stove, microwave, and the air fryer had all been severely burned.  The Sendelwecks did have a place to spend the night as the home had some smoke damage and powder from the extinguisher covered much of their belongings.

There were three trucks with 27 firefighters responding to the scene along with a crew from Memorial Hospital Ambulance Service standing by during the event.  Units were on scene for about an hour.  No one was injured and the home should be habitable after cleaning and some repairs.

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