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The Indiana Commission for Higher Education has awarded 200 scholarships to the third class of Next Generation Hoosier Educators. The recipients, selected through a competitive process based on academic achievement and other factors, will receive $7,500 annually for committing to teach in Indiana for at least five years after graduating college.  A total of 393 students applied for the 2019-20 Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship, with applications coming from 212 high schools in 82 of Indiana’s 92 counties. Over 80% of applicants were Indiana high school seniors with the remainder comprised of current college students.  To qualify for the scholarship, students had to either graduate in the highest 20 percent of their high school class or earn a score in the top 20th percentile on the SAT or ACT.  To continue earning the scholarship in college, students must earn a 3.0 cumulative GPA and complete at least 30 credit hours per year.

=From Dubois County:  Molly Lueken, Northeast Dubois High School and Tabitha Reed and Shelby Worden of Southridge High School all attending Indiana University Southeast.

=From Spencer County:  Joshua Bowlds, South Spencer High School attending Indiana University.

=from Martin County: Olivia Stoll, Shoals Community High School attending Vincennes University and Ashley Albright, Shoals Community High School attending Indiana University Southeast

=from Daviess County:  Zaneon Meinhart, Washington High School attending Marian University and Rachael Wilson, Barr Reeve Middle/High School attending Purdue University.

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