As the school year comes to a close, many schools are sending out textbook collection schedules to parents and students.
But this year, it will be a little different. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, school officials are also implementing certain safety guidelines.
Jasper Middle School sent out the following information in a letter last week:
We will be collecting textbooks, library books, devices/chargers, and any other school materials on Wednesday, May 20, from 8AM-3PM and Thursday, May 21, from 11AM-6PM. To ensure a smooth and efficient process, please read through the following information:
Please remove any papers or notecards from books and device prior to collection.
Please separate books into three categories (library books, textbooks, classroom books) prior to arriving for collection.
Collection will take place in the circle drive on the south side of the building. Please remain in your vehicle throughout the process.
Drop off library books in the container as you enter the circle.
Select the appropriate grade level lane to enter. If you have students in multiple grades, select the shortest lane.
Table One – Textbook Collection
Provide child’s name to staff member
Place textbooks on table or hand to staff
Wait until staff completes the checklist
Table Two – Device and Charger
Provide child’s name to staff member
Place device and charger on table or hand to staff
Wait until staff completes the checklist
Table Three – “Other” Collection/Pickup (This could include classroom novels or materials, 8th Grade Time Capsule letters, etc)
Provide child’s name to staff member
Place items on table or hand to staff
Wait until staff completes the checklist
Check if there is medication to pick up from the nurse
Table Four – Accelerated Reader Prizes
Provide child’s name to staff member
Receive envelope if student qualified
Tables Five, Six, and Seven – 8th Grade Only
Provide child’s name to staff member
All students receive 8th Grade T-Shirt and 8th Grade DC Sweatshirt
Receive Josten’s materials IF ordered during the school year
No students will be allowed in the building during these collection periods. Personal items and other textbooks or library books in student lockers and PE lockers will be able to be retrieved after June 30. More info about that collection will be shared at a later date.