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Loogootee residents may notice a slight difference in water pressure next week.

The Loogootee Water Department will start flushing out water mains between Sunday, May 2nd, and Friday, May 7th.

Residents may experience low water pressure and/or cloudy water.

Those who live in Loogootee are also encouraged to check their water quality before cooking, drinking, or doing laundry.

If you experience any problems with your water quality, contact the Loogootee Water Department Office at (812)-295-2497. If it’s after 4 pm, contact the Loogootee Police Department at (812)-295-2246.

Drivers and pedestrians are also asked to be cautious when utility employees are in the area.

Water main flushing through fire hydrants releases large volumes of water at high pressure which can be dangerous to you and water department employees.

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