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The Indiana Department of Transportation announces a complete road closure in Jasper for an intersection improvement project.

Beginning on or around Monday, July 26, contractors will close U.S. 231 between HRJ Lane and West Division Road to begin adding travel lanes and upgrading the signal at U.S. 231 and 12th Street. During the project middle turn lanes will be added, providing a lane for north and southbound traffic to turn left. Crews will also replace the signal heads so that they reflect the new configuration of the intersection. Also as a part of this operation workers will be performing concrete patching and joint repair.

Work is expected to last until the end of July, depending upon weather conditions. No through or turning movements will be allowed at this location during the project. Instead, drivers should use the official detour following S.R. 64, S.R. 257 and S.R. 56.

INDOT urges drivers to slow down and stay alert near crews.

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