Local Rotary Club Changes Name
The Rotary Club of Jasper is excited to announce that as of September 1, 2022, the organization has officially changed its name to the Rotary Club of Dubois County.
The name change was voted on and approved by the current club membership in June and was also approved by Rotary International shortly thereafter.
“Our Rotary Club has already been actively serving our community county-wide for years through our programming such as our Community Grants Program and the ATHENA Leadership Award Banquet,” said Rotary Club of Dubois County President, Joyce Fleck.
“In addition, our current membership reflects community members who live and work all over Dubois County. It made sense for us to change the club’s name to better reflect the community we’re already serving!”
The Rotary Club of Dubois County also hopes that the name change will encourage those who live and work outside the city limits of Jasper to join in their mission to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through their fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
The Rotary Club of Dubois County meets on Thursdays at 11:45 am. As of right now, they intend to keep weekly meetings at the Old National Bank in Jasper but rotate locations of their monthly social activities throughout Dubois County.
For more information about the Rotary Club of Dubois County and its mission, visit www.duboiscountyrotary.com, or follow the club on Facebook (Rotary Club of Dubois County, Indiana), Instagram (DuboisCountyRotary), or LinkedIn (Rotary Club of Dubois County, Indiana).