Patoka 2000, the beautification committee of the Jasper Chamber of Commerce, is gearing up to adorn the Patoka River Bridge with vibrant summer flowers. Dedicated to maintaining the bridge area as a picturesque gateway to the City of Jasper, Patoka 2000 refreshes the planters with live blooms three times a year, alongside rotating decorative flags.
Funding for this endeavor largely relies on community donations, which are crucial for sustaining the planter urns and flags. Individuals and businesses are encouraged to contribute any amount payable to Patoka 2000, with options to honor or remember loved ones or support a cause.
Patoka 2000 also appeals to volunteers willing to dedicate an hour weekly to watering the planters throughout summer and fall.
For those interested in contributing or volunteering, donations can be sent to Patoka 2000 at the Jasper Chamber of Commerce. Further information or inquiries can be directed to Nancy Eckerle at the Jasper Chamber.