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The Indiana Department of Transportation announces the planned opening of the new displaced left turn intersection at State Road 66 and Epworth Road.

Beginning on or around Tuesday, August 20th, the newly displaced left turn intersection at State Road 66 and Epworth Road is set to open. Work to open the intersection is expected to begin mid-morning, just after the morning rush hour. Work to open the new intersection is expected to take a few hours to complete, depending on the weather.

Beginning on or around Thursday, August 15th, a new signal will begin operating at the I-69 northbound off-ramp to State Road 66 eastbound. This new signal will work with the displaced left-turn intersection to help control the flow of traffic.

There will be media availability on the morning of August 20th beginning at 10 a.m. central time. This availability will occur on the northeast corner of State Road 66 and Epworth Road. Interested outlets are asked to R.S.V.P. by emailing