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Governor Eric J. Holcomb recently spent the day in Ukraine to demonstrate Indiana’s solidarity and have discussions with Ukrainian leadership surrounding future partnerships and fostering growth in economic development, and academic and cultural relations. 

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Governor Holcomb and President Zelenskyy met in the presidential office of Ukraine and discussed the importance of subnational cooperation. 

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Governor Holcomb and Governor Bunechko of Zhytomyr Oblast signed an MOU focused on academic, cultural, and economic ties.


U.S. Ambassador Brink hosted a Friends of Indiana reception at her residence in Kyiv. Governor Bunechko and the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine were in attendance. 


While in Kyiv, Governor Holcomb paid respects at the Wall of Remembrance, which honors those who have lost their lives during the Russian invasion. 

This marks Governor Holcomb’s 25th international economic development trip as governor and his first trip to Ukraine. The cost of the governor’s travel is being paid through private donations to the Indiana Economic Development Foundation.