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A pre-construction meeting regarding the Downtown Revitalization Phase II Project was held on
September 4th with representatives of Ragle Construction, REA, VS Engineering, and City of Jasper. Here
is a summary of the discussion:

  • Road Closures will begin this week from 3rd & Main to 5th & Main.  4th & 5th Streets will remain accessible for local traffic and deliveries, but the intersections at Main Street will remain closed.
  • Construction vehicles will begin moving in this week and preliminary saw-cuts will begin being made.
  • Next week, approximately 9/9, demolition and removal of asphalt and concrete will begin.
  • Construction from 3rd to 5th Streets is expected to be fully completed by Thanksgiving, with most major work to be completed by Halloween.
  • There will be no construction between Thanksgiving 2024 & January 3rd, 2025.
  • After the first of the year the contractor will return to do the work associated with Part Two
     which is Main Street from 7th to 9th with final completion is the Spring 2025.
  • Scheduling is dependent on weather and materials.
  • Accessibility to all building entrances will be maintained for foot traffic throughout the
  • Meetings with contractor representatives will be held bi-weekly once construction begins.  Additional updates will be provided on a bi-weekly basis, or as updates become available.  For the most recent update, visit

For specific construction questions, please contact the City Engineering Department at 812-482-4255.