The Dubois County Soil & Water Conservation District invites the public to their Annual Meeting on Thursday, February 20th, at 6:30 PM EST at the St. Anthony Community Center, located at 4665 South Cross Street in St. Anthony.
Guest speaker, Ray McCormick will speak about his experience with no-till, cover crops, and soil health. McCormick has 30 years’ experience on his 3,200-acre farm in Knox County. He has been named No-Till Farmer’s 2024 Conservation Ag Operator Fellow and also served as the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts President from 2010-2012.
The annual meeting includes the election of a SWCD supervisor. Incumbent Supervisor, Arlene Fleck is on the ballot. SWCD supervisors are part of a governmental organization responsible for the wise management of Indiana’s soil and water resources and the environment in which we live. Serving on the SWCD Board is a great responsibility, but also is an opportunity for a person to make a difference in their county. The SWCD takes nominations from the floor, so any qualified person interested in serving a 3-year term may place their name on the ballot that evening.
The catered meal is being provided by the St. Anthony Community Center and meal tickets cost $15. Reservations can be made by contacting the SWCD office at (812) 482-1171 extension 3 and will be accepted through Monday, February 10th.
In the event of inclement weather on February 20th, the snow date is Tuesday, February 25th.
The SWCD will hold a short reorganization meeting immediately following the annual meeting.
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