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Today is Veterans Day and as Americans, it’s important to show support for those who have fought to protect our country’s freedom.  Veterans Day provides Americans the opportunity to honor these brave men and women who have sacrificed so much for their fellow Americans.

In Indiana, the commitment to serving our nation is ingrained in our Hoosier roots. Our state has the sixth-largest National Guard and Reserve in the country. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, there are more than 475,000 veterans living in Indiana ñ more than 35,000 of whom are women.

75 Hoosiers have been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for their courage and sacrifice. Today’s service men and women are following in the footsteps of generations of Hoosier heroes.

During the 2015 legislative session, the Indiana General Assembly enacted laws aimed at honoring the sacrifices made by these men and women by helping them return to civilian life when their military service is over.

Once such act seeks to reduce veteran unemployment by allowing private-sector employers to adopt a preference policy for hiring, promoting or retaining a veteran in employment.

Under the law, “veteran” is defined as a person who actively served in the U.S. military, the Indiana Army National Guard or Air National Guard.

Veterans and their families make tremendous sacrifices to serve our nation. It is essential that support is given to our service men and women in their efforts to obtain higher education and return to the workforce. The Indiana General Assembly is  continuing to seek ways to help Hoosiers returning home after bravely serving our country.

When you see a veteran today, or anytime for that matter, take the time to thank them for their service.

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