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Tri-Cap’s Fatherhood Coalition saw it’s first 11 graduates take part in ceremonies December 7th.

Tri-Cap’s mission is to empower people to accept responsibility for achieving personal and economic well-being by providing health, housing and educational services.

Graduates of the coalition received new iPads, ties, gift cards, books and other items. The fatherhood program is made possible with grants from the Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority and the Dubois County Community Foundation.

Mark Balsmeyer, Ryan Stiles, Terry Seitz, Doug Bawel, Luke Bawel, Brad Ward, John Siebert, Chris Neu, Gervase Ebert, Kyle Greulich, Steven Dunn and John Segal served as coalition mentors for the course.

Plans for the spring 2016 Fatherhood Coalition are already underway. For more information about the program, call Angie Greulich or Katie Strange at
the Jasper Tri-Cap office at 812-482-2233.

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