9:31:58 AM

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Officials with the Dubois County Community Foundation have released the names of those appointed as officers to the foundation’s Board of Director’s for the year 2016.

Executive Board appointments include:

President Andy Seger,

Vice President Nancy Wilson,

Treasuer Mitch Clark,

and Scretary Andrea Tooley.

In a release Seger says the foundation has a talented team and that the officer group is thrilled to have the opportunity to continue to work closely with the Board, management & staff, volunteers, and donors.

Seger says the foundation has experienced significant growth in recent years, and looks forward to continuing this success in 2016 and beyond to advance the Foundation’s role in the community, support donors in their charitable giving, award grants to leading nonprofit organizations, and further develop a countywide vision for philanthropy.

The officer appointments were made during the Foundation’s most recent Board of Director’s meeting February 18th.

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