Last night the Ferdinand Town Council Meeting was in full swing with a range of discussion points and recognitions.
Ferdinand Chief of Police, Lloyd Froman, provided updates and ended with highlighting 3 selected individuals who applied to be reserve police officers.
The Ferdinand Council approved the appointments of Riley Fleetwood, Steffen Zink, and Daniel Schnieders. The three will now move on to the training process.
Froman says Fleetwood, Zink and Schnieders were given an orientation on training processes and department expectations. Training starts February 23rd and is expected to be completed by March 19th. Those who successfully accomplish the pre-basic courses will then take part in a 160-hour officer training program.

The Ferdinand Council took the opportunity to recognize officers Ted Bieker and Rob Randle and presented each with an award for their everyday service and highlighted a particular occasion where they saved man’s life.

This past November Ferdinand resident Donna Hickey found her husband non-responsive and urgently called for authorities. Ferdinand Town council President Ken Sicard pointed out the fact that that authorities responded within 41 seconds and conducted CPR helping Pat Hickey regain conscience.
And last night the Ferdinand Council granted request for $1,000 to be considered as an annual support fee for Ferdinand’s participation in the Dubois County Leadership Academy.
This program targets individuals to develop leadership skills in their own work.
Town Manager Chris James says it’s a Ferdinand based program with the purpose of expansion and has grown to include the cities of both Jasper and Huntingburg, where each community contributes with participation in the leadership group.
In order to take an active role in this leadership group anyone interested must submit an application and should submit letters of recommendation.
James says it’s a non-profit organization consisting of a board of directors that will help people who take on projects as teams to generate ideas and execute those ideas.
Now James says there is an effective system of overseeing a project into its development and the people who participate also benefit in gaining leadership skills.