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SWICACC Regional Director-Tammy Lampert, in the Multi-Disciplinary Team room.


The Southwestern Indiana Child Advocacy Center Coalition has been active in pursuing fundraising initiatives.

Earlier this month, Regional Director-Tammy Lampert, collaborated with the Will Read and Sing for Food organization in Jasper to provide awareness on child abuse-prevention and also to highlighted the existence of having a center in Jasper that provides a safe place to make reports of child abuse.

Another key focus is to prevent violence, Lampert speaks about the amount of interviews conducted in the area.


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Former Detective Lisa Miller worked at the Jasper Police Department, who was active in the Multi-Disciplinary Team when the Dubois county site first started. The sign in the Interview Room is in honor of her work once she retired.


The coalition was founded in 2009 to serve, Indiana Region 17- reaching Dubois, Daviess, Crawford, Martin, Perry, Orange, and Spencer counties. The center in Jasper and other centers, serve the community by extending support to children and their families to experience comfort and support from a Multi-Disciplinary Team that works together to achieve support and relieve for the child and families affected.

The Multi-Disciplinary Team consists of officials from various entities such as the forensic interviewer, prosecutors, law enforcement, Department of Child Services, victim advocates, mental and medical health providers.

Lampert indicated that the center is meant to eliminate any discomfort a child may have to make a report of abuse. Which is why the child in only interviewed by one person, the forensic interviewer.

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Interview Room at Jasper’s SWICACC Site

As the interview takes place with the child, the rest of the Multi-Disciplinary Team are already set up in a separate room viewing the forensic interview on screen so that everyone is aware of the child’s report and also eliminates the child to be repeatedly interviewed. Also while this takes place the family member(s) with the child are in the welcome lobby area to communicate with a victims advocacy agency, which is Crisis Connections for Dubois county, and the agency provides the families with resources.

As, April is the National Child Abuse Prevention Month, Lampert provides ways the community can become involved with the center.

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Lampert encourages the community to continue to stay informed year round and that there are variety ways to contribute to the cause.

If you are or someone you know are in need of services from the Southwestern Indiana Child Advocacy Center Coalition contact them by email at .

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