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Last month Greater Schools Superintendent Dr. Tracey Lorey had proposed the Greater Jasper School Board’s approval to submit an application towards the E-Learning Flex Day for the following school which was approved during that meeting.

Last night, Dr. Lorey announced that the corporation received approval to incorporate this day in the Spring of 2017 around the same time period that it place this Spring.

Dr. Lorey reminded the board and public that this is an alternative format for learning that was effective and well received by the students.

Other technology improvements that were discussed were Project Lead the Way program computers.  Dr. Lorey explained that the computers are in need of updates and made recommendations to the board to purchase a lab set of 32 that would be purchased with the help of Capital Project Funds from the corporation.

Superintendent Dr. Lorey notes that having access to updated software not only provides a well-rounded way for teachers to help the students with engineering program skills at the middle school level but they also serve as a precursor to the concepts that are taught in high school allowing students to advance towards the next level of learning.


Also Monday night, the board approved the replacement of lighting for the auditorium at Jasper High School at a cost of just over 135-thousand dollars.

Clerk of Works, Scott Stenftenagel, says the system now in use has been experiencing issues and has been in place for over 20 years.

The new system will use energy efficient LED bulbs which don’t get as heated as the current lights, and allow students to move the spotlights, change the color of the lights, and access to work on a more efficient lighting system.

Also, as the end of the school year approaches board members were reminded that graduation 2016 is set to take place this Friday, May 27th in the Jasper High School Gym beginning at 6:30 pm.

Also the Jasper Middle School 8th grade achievement ceremony will be this Thursday, May 26th evening at 7 pm in the black gym of Jasper Middle School.

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