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Before having an informative question and answer dialogue with a representative from Miller Valentine Group Wednesday evening, the Jasper Common Council listened to some updates from Utilities General Manager ‘Bud’ Hauersperger.

Utilities General Manager Hauersperger told the council of an unexpected outcome of a simple mylar balloon which caused a power outage affecting customers on the city’s southside include the manufacturing facilities of Jasper Engines & Transmissions and Jasper Rubber Products.

Electric Distribution Manager Jerry Schitter says department personnel learned that a balloon had floated into the southwest substation at St. Charles and Division Road.

Electric Distribution Manager Schitter says the balloon itself did not cause damage to the section where it landed but it did cause the breaker to trip causing the outage.

Haursperger also mentioned that this is not the first time that balloons have caused power outages as was the case in other occasions.

During the Jasper Utilities Services Board meeting Monday night Schitter asked the public that if mylar ballons are no longer being used to deflate them and throw them away.

Hauersperger also told the board that Adam Auffart was appointed as the Utility Board’s new secretary. He also recognized Business Office Manager Ashley Kiefer for describing ways that utility emergency reports can be made by the public.

The other business item that was discussed Wednesday evening was was the designation of an economic revitalization area will be made for the Vine Street Lofts tax abatement.  After which Jasper Mayor Terry Seitz introduced Senior Developer of Residential Development, Peter Schwiegeraht, from Miller Valentine Group.

Schweigeraht gave the council a synopsis of development for the Vine Street Lofts. He says project is now funded and he says that the next steps are taking place in the design and engineering phase.

He provided the council conceptual designs and floor plans that is a work in progress but is meant to serve as a tool to provide an idea of the visioned lofts.

Councilwomen Nancy Eckerle asked how the TRI-CAP organization came about to partner with Miller Valentine. Schewigeraht explained that Miller Valentine aims to partner with local non-profits such as TRI-CAP whose mission is to help senior living among others.

Schweigeraht states that providing independent living such as this one allows Jasper to provide local housing.

He says that Miller Valentine looks forward to being a long term member of this projects and others in Jasper.

The resolution for the Vine Street Lofts tax abatement that designates a portion of the city of Jasper as a economic revitalization area was approved by the council.

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