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Tuesday morning the Jasper Board of Public Works heard several requests for the use of city property.

One of the requests was given by Gary Hisel who proposed a ride planned by Jeep-drivers on Sunday September 11th to show respect for and honor local law enforcement as well as local fire departments, Emergency Medical Services among others.

The Meet, Greet, & Ride group plan to hold a ride through the city of Jasper which has a tentative route.

Hisel said there could be anywhere from 30 to 50 Jeeps in this ride. A part of the request was to close off the Jasper courthouse square.

Mayor Terry Seitz asked for advice from Fire, Police, & EMS officials on whether closing the square would be needed for the remembrance ceremony.

Fire Chief Kenny Hochgesang, Police Chief Mike Bennett, and Director of Ambulance Services Susan Hankey all spoke during yesterday’s meeting and showed their gratitude towards Hazel and his group’s initiatives and advised that it’d be best not to close the square as it sometimes provides an easier route for fire trucks, EMS or other emergency vehicles to reach their destination through the square if they are pursuing an emergency.

Mayor Seitz requested to continue further communication about setting a route for the rides by the end of the month. The board did not believe it was in the best interest to close the square but still allowed it’s use for the ceremony.

We recently spoke with Hisel and he explained that after the group’s meeting last night they have decided to start at Jasper and reach the Jasper Police Department, the Dubois County Sheriff’s Department, and Jasper Fire Department before heading north to the Jasper post of the Indiana State Police, then down 15th Street to the Indiana National Guard, and by the Memorial Hospital. They will then head to Ferdinand and from there continue towards Huntingburg to hold their ceremony at the Veterans Monument in Huntingburg.


Later Fire Chief Kenny Hochgesang spoke about a 35-thousand dollar grant the department received that would go towards maintenance and or improvements to the department’s training facility.

Hochgesang says the Indiana Department of Homeland Security has recognized the Jasper Fire Department as a regional training location.

The board congratulated Hochgesang on receiving the grant funds. Its the first time the department had applied for the grant.

Hochgesang, who also serves as the city’s Code Enforcement officer also spoke about some lawn violations around the community that need to be addressed.

Also City Engineer Chad Hurm introduced Jacob Small a senior at Jasper High School who’ll be working with the city’s Engineering Department in the next several weeks through a work-base learning setting known as Small Ventures to learn about engineering.


And Street Commissioner Jeff Theising gave a positive report on street work currently being conducted with contractor RejuvTec that is continuing this week.

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