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Ensuring Hoosiers’ rights to a tax appeal and simplifying the tax code are always priorities for the Indiana General Assembly.

District 48 State Seanator Mark Messmer of Jasper says this year, the General Assembly passed three measures to help streamline the filing process as well as simplifying the appeals process……


Meanwhile House Enrolled Act 1068, a bill Messmer sponsored in the Senate, makes changes to the tax appeals process, making it fairer for taxpayers.

Messmer says the law allows a taxpayer to petition the Indiana Board of Tax Review to correct any errors if the PTABOA (KNOWN AS PEETA-BOA) fails to act on the petition within 180 days. He says the change allows the appeals process to move quicker, giving taxpayers a simpler appeals process and quicker resolution.

Messmer says one other measure, House Enrolled Act 1169 makes it easier for a taxpayer to file a business personal property tax exemption…..


As always, feel free to contact Messmer’s office directly with your questions and concerns by email at or by phone at 800-382-9467.

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