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Ashlee Sudbury, NEP Community Wellness Coordinator, at Purdue Extension applied for an Active Living Workshop on behalf of the city of Huntingburg and the city was selected among  seven cities chosen to host workshops.

Sudbury presented guest speakers Kate Riordan Active Living Program Manager from Health By Design, Pete Fritz from Indiana State Department of Health, and Joey Vrazel from Leverage Points Consulting. The Active Living Full-Day Workshop took place Thursday with information and activities at the Huntingburg Old Town Hall.



Huntingburg Mayor Denny Spinner welcomed the guest and attendees who varied from the Hospital, Health Department, Street Dept, Parks Dept, Planning & Zoning Dept, YMCA, County Council, and many more.

Riordan spoke about how communities can become enhanced  to support active living and how communities can act to create healthy activity.

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Riordan also spoke about the partnership with Purdue Extension and admires the commitment of the City of Huntingburg to be involved with this task force project. She elaborates on the unique traits Huntingburg has and how keeping a town’s character can serve as beneficial with initiating Active Living.

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Riordan states that some issue are dismissed on a daily basis but having accomplished a Walk Audit with people at the workshop provides a helpful prospective of potential changes. After Fritz and Riordan gave their presentations everyone participated in a Walk Audit to analyze the streets and community surroundings.

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The group started behind the Old Town Hall down towards market street, then across the street heading towards Jackson street, down 4th street, and then returning back to the front doors of the Old Town Hall. Fritz asked the group to place themselves in different points of views such as a child, someone with walking disabilities, and other factors and then as a group they analyzed the street and surroundings. This activity enabled the participants to have a different outlook into creating a more accessible environment and encourage active living for all.

Sudbury shared she had participated in other Walk Audits but enjoys each as Active Living is applied to every community based on their needs. Sudbury describes the attributes that Huntingburg faces.

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Sudbury noted that within a week they will hear feedback about the full day workshop from the Active Living representative. An action team will be created who will be responsible for an action plan. A year from now they will report a success story to the State of Indiana.


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