The 55 newest members of the Indiana State Police reported for duty Monday at the 14 State Police Posts across the state.
On Thursday, October 20th, after 22 weeks of intense training, the 76th Recruit Academy took their oath of office to serve and protect the citizens of the State of Indiana. The graduation ceremony was a culmination of training in subjects including criminal and traffic law, crash investigations, emergency vehicle operations, defensive tactics, firearms, and a host of other subjects related to modern policing.
The Jasper District is very pleased to welcome four Troopers from the 76th Class:
They include Troopers Connor Giesler, Ryan Griffith, Nathaniel Kern and Steven Nolan.
The four will work alongside seasoned and experienced troopers for the next three months prior to working within their assignments on solo patrol.
Trooper Giesler, originally from Jasper, graduated from Jasper High School in 2014 and attended the University of Southern Indiana and Vincennes University Jasper Campus, studying Business Administration. He will primarily patrol Crawford County.
Griffith, originally from Marengo, graduated from Crawford County High School in 2009 and Indiana University Southeast in 2014, earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice. He too will primarily patrol Crawford County.
Kern a Jasper native graduated from Jasper High School in 2011 and Vincennes University in 2014, earning an Associate’s Degree in Law Enforcement.
Nathaniel was previously a volunteer fireman with the Jasper Fire Department and a jailer with the Dubois County Sheriff’s Department. He will primarily patrol Spencer County.
And Nolan, originally from Loogootee, graduated from Loogootee High School in 1998, Vincennes University in 2003 with an Associate’s Degree in Business, and Indiana University in 2006 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business.
Nolan previously served as a Deputy Sheriff with the Martin County Sheriff’s Department and an Officer with the Loogooee Police Department. Nolan will primarily patrol Dubois County.