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The DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife is launching Urban Deer HuntIN, a new program designed to increase hunting access and reduce conflicts with white-tailed deer in urban environments.

Urban Deer HuntIN will provide community partners financial and technical assistance to administer hunting programs in their communities.Each community partner will determine where and when managed hunts occur and what hunters are able to participate. Each managed hunt will be administered by an Urban Hunt Coordinator. These coordinators will be contractors of DNR Fish & Wildlife and will be trained in hunting safety, deer biology, and public relations.

DNR Fish & Wildlife is seeking feedback from both interested community partners experiencing deer conflicts and from individuals interested in becoming an Urban Hunt Coordinator.Volunteers interested in becoming an Urban Hunt Coordinator must meet certain criteria to be considered. Qualifications include:

1) Any state-sponsored Hunter Education certification
2) One of the following: National Rifle Association (NRA) Hunter Instructors Clinic Program certification, 4-H Shooting Sports instructor certification, or any state-sponsored Hunter Education Instructor
Program certification
Communities already participating in urban deer management strategies are encouraged to send an attendee to Urban Deer Coordinator training for certification.

For communities considering deer management options, an Urban Deer Technical Guide is online at

For more information on the Urban Deer HuntIN program, contact your Urban or District Wildlife Biologist.  A map with contact information is at

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