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The Town of Holland is set to dedicate the new Holland Town Commons

As part of the community’s Indiana Bicentennial Project, Holland will celebrate not only the Hoosier State’s 200th year, but the community’s history and legacy. After two years of planning, writing grants, and receiving overwhelming community support, Holland is ready to dedicate its Indiana Bicentennial Legacy Project this Sunday December 11th at 5 pm.

Project Co-Chair Lee Bilderback says the organizing committee and crew have worked very hard in preparing a noteworthy event to celebrate the state’s 200th year. A joint project of the Holland Events Committee, Incorporated and the Holland Town Board, and partnered with the Dubois County Community Foundation, the Commons’ formal opening will be made by an official representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands – the Honorable Heleen Bakker of the Embassy of the Netherlands.

The public is welcomed to join in the dedication celebration. The Holland Commons Dedication and Indiana Bicentennial Celebration begins at Saint James Lutheran Church along Main Street. Holland Commons official dedication ceremony begins with the Holland American Legion Post 343 posting the colors.

Following the Memorial Stone dedication, reigning Holland Community Fest Queen Lauren Meyer will lead those gathered in the Pledge of Allegiance. Miss Meyer will also light the community’s official Christmas Tree. Town Board President Tom Thacker will share remarks on the project and Andrea Peters will make the dedication pronouncement.

The Honorable Heleen Bakker will cut the ribbon officially dedicating Holland Commons, including the Holland History Sculpture, as a symbol of Holland’s Past and Future. The Celebration will conclude with the arrival of Santa Claus. Sponsored by the Holland Kiwanis Club, children will receive traditional candy packages, a craft, and be allowed to have their photo taken with Santa and Mrs. Claus. For adults, homemade cookies and Prairie Farms Chocolate Milk will be available in the Saint James Fellowship Hall.

The public is also invited to a Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Heinrich “Henry” Kunz grave prior to the Bicentennial Celebration. This short remembrance of Holland’s founder will take place at Holland United Methodist Cemetery at 4:00PM E.D.T.

Those wishing to make contributions to the Holland Commons or its future Endowment may contact Holland Commons, PO Box 344, Holland, Indiana 47541.

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