On Saturday evening over 100 students, parents and faculty of Heritage Hills came together for their third Dance Marathon for Riley Hospital. The gym was organized with fun in mind.
The students had prepared stations with everything from ping-pong tables to a bouncy house. Over the course of six hours students heard testimony’s from parents with Riley hospital children, they participated in dodge-ball and volleyball tournaments with fellow students preforming a choreographed dance while teachers and parents supplied them with pizza.
Meg Johnson, an English teacher at the high school, was responsible for overseeing the nights actives along with the help of fellow teachers and parents. Johnson who is also the proud mother of a Riley child shared with us how this fundraiser is fundamental in positively shaping young students.
Along with the fun were some very serious issues. A group of mothers shared with the teenagers their stories of how Riley Hospital for Children had been involved in their own lives. Sally Martin, Shea King along with Jenifer Chanley shared their triumph and gratefulness for Riley Hospital while also expressing grief that not all children make it out of the hospital. They also focused on how meeting each other through their shared experiences had provided them support of one another.
Dalton Selvidge, a senior at Heritage Hills shared with us what his favorite part of the evening was…
To raise money people could go online to the rileykids link and donate or students payed to play games set up in the gym and participate in various tournaments, they could also bid on donated items at the silent auction.
The students and event organizers received a pleasant surprise during the opening ceremony for the evening. Chrisney Elementary students had hoped to raise 500 dollars for the Dance Marathon, and on Saturday night they were pleased to present a check for over 1300 dollars more than doubling their initial goal to the students at Heritage Hills.
Heritage Hills Student goal this year was was to raise over 12,000 dollars and they did just that with more than doubling what they raised the previous year, coming in with a total of 18,423.00.
Riley Hospital opened in 1924 at the state’s first hospital exclusively for children. 90 years later, Riley is home to the state’s largest pediatric research program and is Indiana’s only comprehensive children’s hospital. More than 300,000 children visit Riley Hospital each year.
Every gift makes a difference. If you would like more information on how to donate to Riley Hospital for Children visit their website at rileykids.org and click on the ways to give tab.