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The 2017 Indiana Association of School Broadcasters awards were presented last week at the University of Indianapolis and locally a number of Students and programs from Jasper High School were recognized. More than 800 students and instructors from 30 Indiana high schools and career centers attended the 14th annual conference.

Students participated in the IASB School Broadcasting Competition and attended more than 20 workshops that addressed topics ranging from promotions, video production and storytelling to social media, radio and sports broadcasting.

The top six radio air personalities and news anchors competed live on UIndy Radio and their television counterparts competed in the university television studio.

Those receiving awards from Jasper High School include;

Amanda Ackerman, Brea-Anna Mullen, Hilary Bauer of the RTV 2 Class finished third in Radio Imaging.

Owen Rendel picked up 1st place in Television spot production,

Brea-Anna Mullen was second in Video Show,

Andrea Rillo was third in Television Copyrighting and in the Short Film division Allison Rogers, Priscilla Olson, Tyler Armstrong of Jasper High School ranked a 1st place title.

Overall Jasper High School was Second Runner-up in the Television School of the year category finishing behind Martinsville and Crown Point High Schools.

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