12:10:10 AM

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Do you have a talent that you would like to share? If so, GIVE WHERE YOU LIVE! is looking for you! We would like acts of all types for The Very Big Show (of Support) variety show that will take place at the Jasper Arts Center, Friday, May 19th, 2017, 7-9 PM. All proceeds will benefitJasper LEADs (Library, Enrichment, Arts, Downtown).

We are open to all family appropriate performers …comedy, singing, poetry, as varied as your imagination! There is no registration fee. Open to all ages.

Each performer or group will have 5-7 minutes on stage.

Please submit a short video or description of your act. Include the name(s) and age(s) of the participant(s), contact information, and any music, technical requirements, or props that will be used to programcoord@jasperindiana.gov.

There are a limited number of spots…so act now!

Rehearsal for The Very Big Show (of Support) will begin at 6:00 PM, Thursday, May 18th, 2017.

Submissions are due by Monday, April 10th, 2017. Notifications of entry acceptance will be
made by Monday, April 17th, 2017.

This event is meant to showcase our local talent and will conclude the GIVE WHERE YOU
LIVE! fundraising campaign day. This day will serve as Jaspers LEADs’ community day of
giving. Jasper LEADs has organized this day as part of a community capital campaign to
support improvements in our downtown and riverfront area, with specific focus on the JasperCultural Center.

The day leading up to the variety show will be filled with exciting events, activities, and opportunities in support of this cause.

Give back to the City, perform, hit the stage, and connect with other talents!
Please direct questions to Corina Mack or Emily Peak at 812-482-3070 or email at

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