First Deputy Clerk of Dubois County Amy Kippenbrock has announced she will seek the County Clerk’s position in the upcoming election on the Republican ticket.
In her first year as First Deputy County Clerk, Kippenbrock said the goal was to continue making the Clerk’s office efficient and effective. “Working in the Clerk’s office is fulfilling and makes a difference every day, and I am very excited about running for the Clerk’s position in 2018,” Kippenbrock said. “We have a great staff in place and will continue to implement the changes that are under way so that we can have the office run most efficiently and effectively for the courts and for the public.”
Previously, Kippenbrock worked at Stens Corp. for nearly 10 years, advancing up the corporate sales and manager roles. She was also in customer service at Spencer Industries in Dale for nearly seven years, and has assisted with KWK Enterprise, her family business in St. Henry, throughout her career.
As a member of the community, Kippenbrock is passionate about serving it. Some of the organizations and groups she has been involved with include: Relay for Life chairperson and media spokesperson; previous Clerks’ political campaigns; YMCA; Holy Trinity Catholic School supporter; Destination Imagination school coordinator; Holy Trinity Trivia Night committee; Boy Scout leader/treasurer; band booster volunteer; American Legion Southern IN Sharp Shooter supporter; Dubois/Jasper Woman’s Softball leagues, and many more. She is a member of Precious Blood Church, and she and her husband of 13 years, Kevin, are members of the St. Henry Community Club.
Her husband, children Josh, Wylee and Kuper and granddaughter Annabelle are her biggest supporters. She is the daughter of Dennis and Patti Tarvin, Steve and Ruth Bough and the late Kathy Bough.
“I truly feel that the time is right for me to run for office,” Kippenbrock said. “All that I have done thus far has set me up to succeed as the next Dubois County Clerk.”