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The Huntingburg City Council held a public hearing at Huntingburg City Hall Tuesday night in regards to the city’s proposed water rate increase as well as increases to the water and electricity connection fee.

The purpose of the rate hike is to cover the cost of the water the city receives from Patoka Lake Regional Water and Sewer District. The ordinance will install a water rate tracker for water usage, similar to what the city uses with gas utilities.

The estimated average water rate hike as a result of this rate tracker is around $1.56.

In addition to this possible rate increase the Huntingburg council is also looking to increase the one time charge for water and electric connection fees.

These fees have not been updated in a while, and the city’s water and electric superintendents are seeking to cover the cost of the materials which has increased over the years.

This will not affect current water and electric users, only new installations will be expected to pay this higher fee should it be approved. Both ordinances were approved with no comment from the public.

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