Officials with the Town of Ferdinand want to remind the public that in conjunction with the Ferdinand Heimatfest there will be an informational meeting with Homeland Security Officer, Carl Deel.
Deel will be on hand to explain the rules and regulations that need to be followed at your next festival or events that includes but is not limited to, a stage, a beer garden, backyard BBQ or tents.
Deel says there will be new changes in store for 2019 therefore the meeting will be a benefit for everyone.
The meeting will be held next Tuesday February 19th at 7 pm in the back room of the Ferdiand American Legion, located at 5th and Main Streets in Ferdinand. It should last about two hours.
As in the past, reservations are requested but not required.
To make a reservation, contact Ferdinand Town Manager Chris James at cjames @
For more information you may give Chris a call at 812-367-2282 or Sue Fink at 812-630-2839. Or email finkster @