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Several events are planned for the upcoming Ireland St. Patrick’s Day celebration.


First, night judging for St. Patrick’s home lighting contest for Madison and Boone townships will take place at 7 pm this Monday, March 4th. The deadline to enter is this Sunday, March 3rd.

A participant may enter his own home or business, a neighbor’s home, a friend’s home or a family member’s home. Cash prizes will be given.

To enter, call Janet Schitter at 812-482-3500 or 812-630-4861 or Kitty Merkley at 812-630-1252.



Supper, Surprises & Shenanigans will take place Saturday, March 16th in the community center of St. Mary’s Catholic Church.

The doors open at 5:30 p.m. and a meal catered by Barnyard BBQ will be served at 6:30 p.m. A cash bar will be available.

Entertainment will be provided by Irish dancer Kathryn McCoy and singers The Weyer Sisters.

Advance tickets, priced at $25, are available from any committee member or by calling Janet Schitter at 812-482-3500 or 812-630-4861 or Angie Rudolph at 812-630-1241. Tickets will not be sold at the door.


And the Ireland St. Patrick’s Celebration Parade will begin at 1 pm Sunday, March 17th.

Entry forms are available at for floats, marching or walking entries, antique vehicles and horse entries (cleanup must be provided).

Entries should be submitted by Monday, March 11, to St. Patrick’s Celebration Parade, P.O. Box 74, Ireland, IN 47545-0064.

Awards for each category will be determined by the number of entrants and all entries will be judged for best Irish theme and most enthusiastic.

There is a $10 entry fee.

For additional information, contact Janet Schitter at 812-630-4861 or Jackie Hasenour at 812-639-8093.

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